Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Change !!! Shift Happens

Yes that's what it is all about.  Any one can speak for ages on change although she herself would not want a CHANGE.

Here is the best presentation I liked about change and for the records I am writing the script of the same in my blog to remember and to refer back.

Shift Happens

Did You Know?

Sometimes size does matter

If you are one in a million in China

There are 1300 people just like you

In India there are 1100 people just like you

The 25% of the population in China with the highest IQ's

Is greater than the total population of North America

In India it's the top 28 %

Translation:  They have more honors kids than we (Americans) have kids

Did you know?

China will soon become the NUMBER ONE English speaking country in the world

If you took every single job in the US today and shipped it to CHINA

China would still have a labor surplus

During the course of this presentation

60 Babies will be born in the US

244 babies will be born in China

351 babies will be born in India

The US department of labor estimated that today's learner will have 10 - 1r4 jobs... the age of 38

1 out of every 4 workers today is working for a company they have been employed by for less that one year.

 More than 1 out of 2 are working for a company they have worked for less than FIVE years

According to former Secretary of Education Richard Riley ...

... the top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004

We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't exist ....

using technologies that haven't been invented....

in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet.

POP QUIZ Name this country...

Richest in the world

Largest Military

Center of world business and finance

Strongest education system

World center of innovation and invention

Currency the world standard of value

Highest standard of living

England .... in 1900

Did you know ?

The US ranks 20th in the world in broadband Internet penetration

In 2002 Nintendo invested more than $ 410 Mn in research and development

The US Federal Government spent less than half as much on Research and Innovation in Education

1 out of 8 couples married in the US last year met online

There are over 106 Mn registered users of MySpace (as of September 2006)

If MySpace were a country it would be the 11th-largest in the world

The average MySpace page is visited 30 times per day

Did you Know ?

We are living in exponential times

There are over 2.7 Bn searches performed on Google each month

 To whom were these questions addressed before GOOGLE ?

The number of text messages sent and received every day exceeds the total population of the planet

There are 540,000 words in the English language ...

about 5X as many as during Shakespeare's time.

More than 3,000 new books are published every day

It is estimated that a week's worth of New York Times ...

.... contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18th century

The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years

For students starting a four-year technical or college degree this means that ...

half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study

By 2010 it is predicted to double every 72 hours

Third generation fiber optics have recently been separately tested by NEC and Alcatel...

... that carry 10 trillion bits per second down a single strand of fiber.

That is 1,900 CDs of 150 Mn phone calls every second

It is currently tripling every 6 months and is expected to do so for the next 20 years

e-paper will eventually be cheaper than real paper

47 Mn laptops were shipped worldwide last year

The $ 100 laptop project is expecting to ship between 50 and 100 Mn laptops a year to children in underdeveloped countries

Predictions are that by 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computation capability if the human brain

 And while technical predictions further out that about 15 years are hard to do...

predictions are that by 2049 a $1,000 computer will exceed the computational capabilities of the entire human species

So, what does it all mean?

Now you know

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Rate of rapid change

Adaptation in a world of more rapid change implies running faster just to stay in same place

Monday, June 25, 2007

Why are people EMPTY? (MT)

Have been seeing this for a long time now.  The generation that is coming fears something.  They are not confident.  I am talking about some 99% of the people.  They fear something.  They are not ready to express what is right.  They are not ready to tell the world that the thing that is happening is not right.  They are not ready to challenge !!!!!

When I joined my first job in 2001, we were a bunch of MTs taken.  Why were we taken?  To challenge the status quo.   Young blood with young ideas, amazing amount of enthusiasm, burning desire to do something and a high amount of confidence.  We were taken in the organization as a breakthrough step and were supposed to bring about a Huge change in the organization and take it ahead with a greater speed. 

The organization was not prepared for our arrival.  As I understand GE prepared its organization in order to use the might of the MTs -- to drive the organizations growth in an exponential manner.  But here it was not prepared.  What happened then ????  We all faced challenges of our own.  Things were not right.  we were not being used properly and the whole thing started becoming a waste.  But the irony of the situation is that none of us stood up and told the management what was going on wrong.  That means there was a lack of feeling for the benefit of the organization, we were all more concerned about ourselves only.  What happened Slowly and Slowly everyone moved out of the organization.  

The company hired a fresh bunch of MTs but then same thing happened and thus they discontinued hiring MTs.  Same things is being repeated today.  Companies don't have the set objective for the MTs.  Either they have the objective but that is neither communicated to the employees nor to the newly joining MTs

Whose fault was it?  The organizations -- That they did not take the right people or they did not manage us in a right manner.  Ours -- As we were not able to bring about a change.  We did not even bring about to the notice of the management that what was happening was wrong.  ???????


  • Some say HIRE for Passion
  • Some say HIRE for Enthusiasm -- Tom Pete
  • Some say HIRE for Attitude

Had heard long time back -- I can hire the hand and the mind but how can I hire the heart. Also heard that I would pay anything to someone who does this thing in a manner I would do it, at least with that much Passion.

Hence they say that HIRE for the heart which can be translated into Passion / Enthusiasm / Attitude which can also be termed as Conviction and Grit in working.  Passion intersecting with work is rare to find.  But if you have the attitude and the Enthusiasm then you may work with Passion for all the assignments gives to you.  Covey gives a concept of PROACTIVENESS.  That is what you do when you have these three (which are basically saying the same thing in different ways)  Yes that is also in sync with this. 

But do we HIRE for subdue-ness?  Do we want people who are less confident, are less capable and thus are less Ravana?  Don't we normally hire such people as we have our own fear.  We have our own job insecurity.  We ourselves are not Ravana (people manager or leader) hence cannot breed Ravanas (managers or leaders)

But in this aren't we sacrificing the growth of the organization?  Aren't we changing the whole objective of having MTs.  Aren't we compromising and managing with MEDIOCRITY.

Was this the attitude shown by the most successful people in the world?  Was this done by all the successful school drop outs ?  I bet that if this is what was done by them then they would have been somewhere and somebody.  But to make a difference what needs to be done is to have the ability to manage Smart People.

Lets try challenging things and not sit in our comfort zones.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Why School drop outs succeed

Hi P NC series

Bill Gates - Microsoft

Steve Jobs - Apple

Michael Dell - Dell

Larry Ellison - Oracle

Mike Lazaridis - Blackberry
Shawn Fanning - Napster

Jerry Yang - Yahoo

etc etc

And it is no coincidence all of these college drop outs are boys. And what about India???  Is this happening in India or Is this going to happen in India.


It seems that these people are the ones who are most successful.  Is it that it was the times that made them successful?  Is there no value of education?


They were driven to the corner.  They did not have anything to fall back on.  Dire straits as they say and some character to bounce back and some grit to really do something.  They were ready to move out of their comfort zones


They are high performers -- constantly re-creating themselves. That's what Tiger Woods does -- Says HIGH PERFORMANC research from Accenture.


They were SMART enough to be in good school (even Harvard and smarter enough to do something better in that school).  As Roger Schank  says if you want innovation then Hire the Bottom 10 % of Harvard. 


Tsu Zu - Art of war also says -- Don't surround the army from all four sides.  Do it from only 3 sides.  Don't let them be in Dire Straits.  If they will be in Dire Straits, they will fight for their lives and then they will fight to their might.  Same thing happens when you drop out from college.  But mind you that you should have the anger in your belly plus the conviction and the grit to do something.


I read an answer in Linkedin once on the same issue.  As to what should be done in case your career is in the Valley.

There's an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where Captain Picard gets to re-live an incident in his youth where he goads some Klingons into stabbing him in the heart. Picard regrets the event which he believes has killed him as his artificial heart fails. However, when Q lets him re-live the event without it, he finds that his elder self is not a Captain but a Lieutenant in the Science division, never having taken any bold chance that would have caused him to stand out as fit for a command post. When Picard eventually comes around, having not actually died, he has a huge smile on his face. He made the correct life choices all along.
This doesn't tell you if your own career is in the valley, but it does tell you what to do about it: take chances. Be the one to challenge assumptions openly that make no sense to you. Be the one to take on the tough jobs. Be the one to give the bad news to the boss, and admit you have no good solution, but will listen carefully to everyone and see if you can come up with one. Be the one to ask the boss if he wants to shift jobs - so you can take his. Be the one who isn't all that concerned if he gets fired, since "I can find another job easily." And knows it's true, because he talks to the recruiters all the time, and has his resume up to date all tlhe time, and has let it be known that he expects to do bigger things, or will soon be out the door in search of them elsewhere.
None of this is to say take foolish risks that have no good payoff, nor cross people or try to show them up as incompetent (unless they really are and drag everyone down, not just you, and you can be hero to all by taking down a pointy-haired boss). It's just to say, be more like yourself.
Everyone has to decide for themselves if they are "in the valley". If you've got no ambitions to do management work, for instance, don't want to take responsibility for others' failures, then, you won't think of a top technical job as "in the valley". But if you are tired of technical work and believe you can do a far better job of coordinating others, you'd see the same situation differently. So you have to judge by your own satisfaction and happiness.
There's no other guide. We're all different. We all have different attitudes to risk, too. Your colleagues may really like it when you step forward to take a risky task on. Or, they may resent it and ask for the job themselves. Feel them out. Get a sense of what they want you to do - not what the boss wants, what your colleagues want. You'll be surprised how able they think you are. Ask others what they'd like you to do that they don't want to do. Take on extra tasks and earn some gratitude so that you have political support if you fail at something very difficult later.
Finally, don't be afraid of randomness. If you don't know whether to say something or not, flip a coin, and flip it in front of everyone. Heads speak up, tails shrug and say nothing. If asked why, say that you want to speak half as much and do twice as much. If they hand you the dirty job after tails come up, fine. Take it. Do it. Show results without objection or any comment. Demonstrate willingness to trust fate. Put tough jobs in a jar and draw one out every day. Make it an event. Ask others to put jobs in.
Just get creative. You know what to do. If they fire you, tell the recruiter why. After s/he stops laughing they'll find you a far better job, somewhere they like courage and creativity. And you'll wake up like Picard, smiling, even after heart surgery.
If you don't do this, five years from now, you'll be the same five years older.


May be this is what these people also did.  They tried to do anything and everything to survive.  You only give your best and your full when you run for your survival. 

I Want More

This happens with everyone. Wanting more. This is the truth of life. Some one call it " Neenyanvein ( ninety nine in hindi ) ka pher " i.e The vicious circle of 99.

It was also heard in "Pretty Woman" when Julia Roberts says that now she wants more. Richard Gere smilingly says that yes he knows what wanting more means as he was the one who had coined it.

Once you reach the place that you wanted to reach there opens a whole new world ahead thus more to achieve and more to conquer, hence WANT MORE.

Jessica Hagy also shows this in a smart vicious circle. She also brings in the new point of getting tired / bored of what you are doing. I am adding to the point that as soon as you reach your goal there opens new vistas and new pastures that you start aiming at.


Some mention this as an orbital change. Orbital change gives you a larger orbit to revolve in as well as changes your speed of revolving and rotating.

I also WANT MORE. I want to put my career on STEROIDS


Thursday, June 21, 2007


This is the most addictive and the most contagious attitude that can be carried ... The DEKKHEE JAYEGEE attitude. This means: “We will see when it happens” :) No need to worry. This flows from the thought that we should not sacrifice today’s happiness in pursuit of "perceived happiness" of tomorrow. Any happiness that may come tomorrow is perceived only as of now.

The RAVANA initiative (Hirdu) also resonates with this theory. This theory shows an ultimate confidence in a person and also clearly shows how much in control of thing he/she is and even in case of anything he is ready to make sure that it will be handled as it needs to be handled.


Let’s go and do what we think is correct at this time and at this moment and we will see when we have to see. I will see you when I will see you. “Ocean’s 13” also says the same…. Be in control, have confidence and don’t prepare too much for the things to come. Execute it in Style and Win it in Style.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Instability or Ease

Here is what I want to understand a bit more. There are a few people whom I have seen and met who don’t seem to be worried or moved by anything. They are not worried and have a KOI FARAK NAHIN PADTA attitude or that MAIN KUCH NAHIN KAR SAKTA attitude.

Is this a real Quality they have and then they can manage situations better or is that they have the capability to not show their uneasiness? Is that these people are actually very perturbed and that uneasiness is hidden behind that calmness?

Are these people, the kind who don’t do anything or are these people the kind who have got things easily or are these kinds who are very optimistic and have a lot of faith and thus they win?

But then what happens to the understanding that I had got from Tom Peters views which said more unstable you are more will you think and more will be the efforts thus better will be the result. The same is what I could understand from the History (WW II) and by Eisenhower’s strategies. In strategy you need to think what the opponent is thinking and out think him or her. But don’t keep the opponent thinking too much so that he is on his toes of thinking and ultimately out think you. Is stability the key or uneasiness the key? Is hunger the key or contentment the key? Is anger the key or adjustment the key? ACCHAA hai bahut ACCHAA hai. Anger or the adjustment (theek hai koi nahin)

Coming back to the topic are these people the ones who have got things easily and thus this attitude developed. Has their growth stopped? No! actually no, intellectually their growth has not stopped but may be there contentment has stopped their thinking ahead and wanting more.

Let’s think a bit more and get to know what is that the Americans are made of. They are the ones who are most successful today or may be in the past so far. And they are the ones who have moved out of their homes (comfort zones) and challenged the things. They are the ones who have had the best of the hunger – hunger of MORE, BETTER etc etc. They are the ones who have been by far the most aggressive ones and who have not slept at ease and challenged the unchallenged and dreamt the undreamt. They are the ones who have been at unease always and thus they are the ones who have succeeded.

Tom peters mentions another anecdote and this time it is from the S&P instability ratings. The data proves it and proves it over the years that the sectors and the companies who have been more unstable have given more returns. Then FARAK PADTA HAI KYA? Isn’t it important to get perturbed and DO something? As they say the best strategy is doing something :)

Be Creative:

There are no answers to this.

But yes I can mention one thing that our dear blogger friend Hugh Mcleod wrote -- when you do something for yourself it is ART and the pyramid goes like this -- OBLIVION --> MONEY --> ART.

First you are in Oblivion, and then you work for others and get paid for it (you get Money) and then you find something that you want to do and that is Art. You get maximum satisfaction when you do what you want to do (that is ART) but it is very seldom that you get Money for Art. But you should not stop performing ART rather keep doing what you like to do and what gives you happiness but to pay the bills keep the day job also.

So be creative is what he says and also gives some ways of “How to be creative” (one of the very few HOW to books that you should read and are effective)This is what he describes as Cash and Sex theory. Cash is the thing that you do to pay the bills and sex refers to something that you do for yourself, that you like doing, which you get happiness from. (Nice SIMILIE) This is what my friend Ady also used to use. Whenever he would like something, he use to call it SEX :)

People are trying to cash on anything and everything

People are trying to cash on anything and everything

Disclaimer: The below mention thoughts are mine and only mine and are mere thoughts. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. The thoughts are based on some things seen and observed and are not made to ridicule, belittle or make fun of anyone and of any sort.

Yes people are trying to cash on anything and everything.

* In films people are trying to cash on the name, the story, the success of anything and anybody. They are trying to relate to something or the other which has been successful and ride on that glory and be successful. The remakes, the sequels and the “same names” are the examples of the same.

* In advertisements people are trying to cash on some image of someone and be successful.* In movies again they are trying to blow out of proportion and sensationalize anything and get noticed and hence trying to be successful.

* Some one is trying to cash on people’s emotions on cricket (Lagaan) and now on Hockey (Chakde India).

* Some people are trying to cash on some one else’s emotions and feelings for him/her.* Some writers are trying to dwell on the names or writings of other writers. Some are trying to bring out a sequel of the book saying that they have added some new points and thoughts to it but in actual, they have not said something new in this. They are just trying to cash on again on the old success.

* Even in the professional life while in search of a new assignment we try to relate the earlier assignment, somehow, with the coming one and try to ride on the success of the old one. We some how try to fit things and put them in the same perspective.


But, are they successful?

Are they really successful?

Are the people chasing false success?

Are they trying to give what is wanted to be given to success?

Aren’t we supposed to do what we want to do, give what we want to give, prosper on our capabilities and brains?

Isn’t that the best thing to do?

Isn’t that going to bring out the best in us?When we are trying to dwell on success of others then isn’t that false?

Aren’t we less capable and competent if we are trying to dwell on success of others or on old things?Aren’t the people or things that were successful in the past and successful on their own capabilities and competence more successful? Isn’t that real success?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Why do people forget?

Why do people forget?

Why do people forget that when they are doing something to others, the same thing can happen to them also? Why do they stop fearing that some day something similar can happen with them also?

Why the fear of getting into the similar situation is does not exist? Why people forget their own times, when they were in similar situations and they felt bad at being treated like this.

Why? Why ? Why?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

SMILE is the answer :)

SMILE is the answer to many QUESTIONS that you either don’t want to answer or you can’t answer.

Yes this is SMILE :)
Let’s see what can this little curve do in many difficult situations and in situation we find ourselves often. These are the situation which make us feel most awkward and we don’t know what to do or how to react. These are the situations in which we feel stranded and try to avoid them like plague. The only thing that we end up doing is either blushing or getting angry and loosing it out yet again…..

Imagine yourself in a situation in which some one has asked you the most difficult and embarrassing question and that too in front of some unwanted people, you don’t want to answer anything but you can’t yell either. Hasn’t it happened in the past often. More realistically someone has asked you your age or your salary. Now can you relate? Yes most of us have been in such situations before. Now think what you did in this situation. You either asked the person how was she concerned or got angry, though didn’t show that as much.

Now try this try smiling. Yes just imagine SMILING in the situation and hey you have perfectly dodged the question and not been rude either.

Let’s go a bit more into this and think that if the person who has asked this embarrassing question goes a little too much and asks you again saying that you didn’t answer the question. Yes this may happen. But answer is SMILE again. And yes you are out of it with minimum damage :)

So just SMILE.

Let’s see another situation now. In this situation you are at an embarrassing position. In case you have climbed up the stage to receive some award and you stumble at the step. Yes you stumble and fall. What do you do? You can ignore it or you can come out with something witty to defend yourself. But how many can come out with some thing witty and then execute that wittiness in perfection. Now do what I say. Just SMILE and shrug your shoulder (I mean raise your shoulder and open your arms) and SMILE again. Yes you have conquered it.

So many times this SMILE saves us. So just SMILE as much as you can and SMILE in difficult times and see that you are a winner again :)

Here I would like to mention one of my oldest signature lines (yes the signature used below an email) and that said
Let’s make each others day… Let’s SMILE :)

Soon to come language of lips :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Dont ASK work, ATTRACT work

Long time nothing in the Hi P N C series.

Dont ASK work attract WORK.

Yes I believe in this. If you ASK for work you get whatever is available and that can be quite useless. Many times when you ask work then the next question is what kind of work do you want to do. And then you have two options

1. To say something that some one is already doing

In this case you become a secondary resource and keep doing the DOGs work and don't get any credit too. You certainly don't want this to happen untill the assignment is so interesting that you eventually gain and learn. Or you are SMART enough to make use of all the things in a way good for youy.

2. To suggest doing something new and UNIQUE

Now this is a good way but man you need to very SMART as what will happen is either the other person will pass your idea as his/her own and gain good browny points or what will happen is that you will be asked to do the same and without any support and inputs. Moreover you will be asked to DRIVE that too and believe me DRIVING something without support is not that easy.

Then what should be done. You can't sit idle.


Now what is this ???

Yes in order to get good work and also good support for that work you need to give your inputs at the right place and at the right time. Be SMART and read as much as you can and get to know what all is happening. Then when you are discussing with people the issue give some suggestions but be sure to give in a sweet manner and as if it has come from both of you. Slowly you start getting noticed and you start getting good work.

You have to be very Diplomatic in this approach. Many times your ideas will go waste but soon they will realize that your potential can be used and they will give you the work.

You also make sure that you are there when some new and good work comes. The funda of BEING IN LINE OF SIGHT works here also (remember old funda of OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND :) ) If you know the work is good and you want to do that work then you can even volunteer and then they will have to give it to you and your enthusiasm as well as earlier reputation will come to use.

Here I again remind " NOTHING IS AS CONTAGIOUS AS ENTHUSIASM" and read what Tom Peters has to say in that. So the Mantra is ATTRACT WORK :)


HR carnival ( this weeks )

And yes the HR carnival is ON.

With Gautam Ghosh, one of my favourite bloggers assimilating the best HR blogs at one place it gives an awesome reading :) and yes I am also there :)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Great Ideas and Execution

Great ideas are like BABIES.
Easy to concieve but difficult to deliver.

I liked this quote a lot and who would agree more to me that EXECUTION :) I believe in execution and the excellence has to be EXECUTION

Says Tom Peters too

"We have a ‘strategic plan,’ it’s called doing things."—Herb Kelleher.

"Execution is a systematic process of rigorously discussing hows and whats, tenaciously following through, and ensuring accountability."—Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan/ Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done. Action has its own logic—ask Genghis Khan, Rommel, COL John Boyd, U.S. Grant, Patton, W.T. Sherman.

Doing things brings out results. Doing things brings out issues. Doing things brings out problems. And when there are issues and problems there are opportunities ( also said by my friend Robby )to solve them and thus grow. These opportunities gives you some thing to work on, something to improve and something to contribute to.

So execute execute execute. Its better to be a buller which has been shot and has caused the damage rather than the one that is only kept in the belt.


Monday, June 04, 2007

Aren't we Sacrificing Happiness to get Happiness ??

Aren't we Sacrificing Happiness to get Happiness ??

What is the cost that we are paying in order to achive Happiness?
Aren't we sacrificing a part of Happiness to get Happiness? Rather aren't we sactificing Happiness in search of Happiness ?

Aren't we caught in the maze / conundrum / vicious circle of wanting something that we don't have ? For that we are sacrificing something that we wanted to get rather something that we thoght we wanted.

Ultimately we keep sacrificing the same thing that we are seeking again and again :)

How to come out of this :)