In entrepreneurship this is the Mantra
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
Keep Bidding Keep Winning
Hee heee heeeee
This is the order of the day right. Tune in any channel and you will hear only this SMS SMS SMS ............ Your favorite star, your favorite song, singer, dancer.
Bid for winning is the best one ..
Something we can take away from this one too
This actually instigates you to keep putting efforts on and on and on. Krishna also said "Karm Kiye ja"
and you can make your own fortune this way. I also am a firm believer of "DEEDS ARE SUPREME".
So keep working, keep bidding
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Entrepreneur breeds Entrepreneur
ET Entrepreneur of the year: Grandhi Mallikarjun Rao, chairman, GMR Group. Lets congratulate him.
I like the way he conducts business and would like to follow him. And now that the world has recognized the same, by crowning him the Entrepreneur of the year, my belief in him as someone who has set a winning trend is further strengthened. But my question is: Does the buck stop here? For him to move on from this established position to another, he needs to start a new trend....that of breeding new entrepreneurs. The intent should be to make "Entrepreneurship" as coveted and as "Hot" as the dot com was in 2000 so as it attracts the right kind of people with attitude and panache.
I am not trying to give him advice when I said the above `coz I am no proven strategist neither a career guru nor a coveted Mckinsey consultant. But being a follower of trends and being ALIVE, I believe it is difficult but more important to "Breed more of your own types".
Wish him all the best
Friday, October 05, 2007
Need for a miracle
Now is the need for a miracle.
God has to show some presence in order to show that he is there and he is there for GOOD
People need that and so do the economy.
Have Faith
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Another market
Having seen the stock market and seen it enough I guess... As a new entrant I used to follow everything that I could. I used to understand the market mood and the market sentiment. I used to try and understand the Technical Analysis and the Macro Economics fundamentals.
I tried to understand the real and estimated valuation too. I have understood only one thing and that is NOTHING IS RIGHT and NOTHING IS WRONG. People change the opinion / rating about companies, about general economics, about everything in no time. Only thing they do is that they change their statements.
I don't understand can't anyone tell with clarity. Are there too many factors. Cant people read what is expected and what is the direction things are going.
I just get reminded of an OLD ADAGE which said : SUNIYE SABKEE KARIYE MANKEE.
As it is only I who can tell how much PINK I see in PINK. Hence know the facts, know the opinions but decide yourself.
Its like this Have the Data --> Get the Information --> Get the knowledge and then convert that to WISDOM yourself. The opinions should be taken but have faith in yourself.
Best Companies to work for
I recall few years back when I was preparing for my MBA I had a discussion with some one who was conducting the survey regarding the best companies to work for. He was doing it for Business Today and was an IIM chap. He just said that the report will be out next month and " Read it and laugh "
I did not understand what he meant at that time but today I can say that I can laugh :)
Being in corporate world and seen some companies, knowing how these surveys are conducted and what happens in an organization participating in the survey I can say that we can Laugh
Always the best companies to work for comes out to be the top names and the names too keep on changing from year to year. The company which was in top 10 does not find its name in the next year or in the other ranking. This is mesmerizing.
The point to see here is most of the companies are Large companies with huge work force and m cap and revenues. What happens to the small companies.
I feel that working in a small company is far more challenging and entrepreneurial. This is what drives satisfaction and this is what should be measured. These surveys should measure all the needs as per the Maslow's need theory.
The other thing is that these Business Magazines should cover the Best small companies to work for also and yes they cover in US (here)
Tom also talks about the importance of Mittelstand and the competencies that these people have (here)
I just want to give a Thumb Rule
You excel only when you have to earn each days bread and butter yourself. This is an extension of the theory which says Tie organization's goals to a persons personal Goals and then see
Monday, October 01, 2007
If the ground doesn't guide you then other things will !!!!
Life teaches you important lessons at the weirdest occasions and when you least expect (and then these becomes experiences and learning that you cherish and LIVE for) ….. My trekking trip forced me to sit back and think and reach the following conclusion:
Normally a trek requires you to follow a certain trail on the ground. This not only prevents you from losing your way but also leads you on the path that is most often used and hence tried and tested. (This also reminds me what I once spoke on Burn the grass below the ground that you walk on --- A feed for another post)
But an interesting thing that I noticed this time around was that if the ground doesn't guide you, i.e. you cannot find a trail then certain other elements will definitely guide you....
For example: you can take guidance from the electricity poles that would have been put up the whole way (I call this the POLE to POLE approach). All you have to do is to move along the laid down electricity lines and that will make sure that you will not lose your way (But yes you may need to face the resistance offered by the shrubs, stones and boulders). And you will be able to lead your way to the TOP of the mountain/hill :). This can also prove to be the best / shortest way too.
Taking the above example as an analogy, I would say the same applies to Strategy, Business and Career. All one has to do is the following:
~ Always look for clues. Keep your senses and mind alert, open and receptive to anything new and unusual.
~ Look at everything with Business Acumen
~ Be confident of yourself and have faith
~ Always aim to reach the SUMMIT. Keep your goals high and your aspirations higher.