Thursday, May 29, 2008

Say it again and again (Shout)

I was reading Tom Peters blog (yes that's my daily dose)...

I figured out that there are few things that he believes and is passionate about...  And these things he says again and again and again... As if he shouts from top of his house at the top of his volume...

I feel that he believes very very strongly in his thoughts and thus just shouts and shouts the same thing... pleading people to understand and to make a difference.......

Is Life / World a Stochastic process

Is Life / World a Stochastic process....... I think I have been trying to decipher the same. 

I have been trying to understand the larger circle of life (which we don't know) and the smaller circle of life which we are destined to getting to know.... 

In Matrix Oracle says - He will get to know if he is the chosen one or not, when he should know......  The moment Neo gets to know that he is the chosen one, he knows that he can do the impossible and starts dodging the bullets...

I have been trying to figure out if DOTS CONNECT FORWARD ever or not.... In fact I have been trying to connect the dots forward...  But till now I only get to know that this was the logical next dot in series only when the next dot has already occurred.... Simply to say that DOTS STILL CONNECT BACKWARDS

Then I come across the theory of BLACK SWAN...  and I understand that the outliers (in the bell curve - normal distribution) are the SUCCESSFUL ones which you don't see or understand using the patternized distribution of data points...

Let's now try to get to know what makes OUTLIERS.... Is there a pattern in the randomness of outliers.... 

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

One of my motto

One of my Motto

If you want to keep something in your head -- tell some one about it

Mind likes to be told twice :)

Business of Innovation

A MUST MUST watch, read, understand and learn (here)

I will try to find my notes on this and post them here.... I am not sure when :)

I am doing

I am reading

Fooled by randomness (here)

The Black Swan (here)

Also a must read (tompeters resilience)

More to come ........

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Life as an ASYMPTOTE

For many -- Life has become an ASYMPTOTE -- No curves, no ups and downs, no crest trough - no inflexion points and slope seems to be constant :)

U know people stop drawing the curve for an asymptote beyond a point as it becomes all the same and very little variation

Lets vary the slope..........  Lets constantly vary the rate of change of slope

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Saw 21

Today I saw 21.  A thrilling movie indeed...  Loved each moment of it.. Learnt a lot about Black Jack too...

Some random thoughts / dialogues with /from the movie

What can you tell me that is going to DAZZLE me

Account for variable change

Keep emotions aside --> plain simple maths

Don't give in to your emotions - composed mind

Need to do a JHOL (a wink)

Baap ko baap rehney do ya fir baap ko sathee bana lo

You are going to figure out how to get everything in life coz you are smart

Always account for variable change (also mentioned HERE - Last point)

Only truth in the Business world

The only truth in the Business world is

" Nothing succeeds like success" - PERIOD

Oil Prices


Oil Prices rising --> US doing nothing* --> EU /Japan doing nothing* --> India / China doing nothing* --> OPEC doing nothing*




Oil Prices rising --> US doing nothing* --> EU / Japan doing nothing* --> India / China doing nothing* --> OPEC doing nothing* --> Oil companies bleeding --> Dollar value increasing --> Demand decreasing --> Oil price settling down --> Still no one is doing anything* ?????

Beats me

Is it that they knew this is going to happen?

Is it that they have only fabricated this ( My earlier thought HERE )?


(* nothing means visibly nothing)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Strategy Terms

Just browsing through the net I found website of Ved (A V Vedpuriswar) -- he was my boss in Satyam.  I respect him for many things....

An avid reader and a writer, he writes on financial subjects.  He also has compiled some glossaries among them I liked the Strategies one the best.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Be Here Now

Sometime some people just take away all your dreams.  Sometimes some people are just plain lucky and when they have to chose, they chose your dreams and just steal away.....

Just know that your dreams are yours ......

Something I liked listening to today ..... and it made perfect sense .. Saw 27 dresses


Don't let your mind get weary and confused
You will be still, don't try
Don't let your heart get heavy child
Inside you there's a strength that lies
Don't let your soul get lonely child
It's only time, it will go by
Don't look for love in faces, places
It's in you, that's where you'll find kindness
Be here now, here now
Be here now, here now
Don't lose your faith in me
And I will try not to lose faith in you
Don't put your trust in walls
'Cause walls will only crush you when they fall
- Be Here Now,

Ray LaMontagne

The Visual Thinking Company

I like what these people do :) XPLANE


Would like to have an association with these sometime :)


Monday, May 05, 2008

Blessed are those

Blessed are those who are given a chance to show their BRAVERY else we all remain JARHEADS..........  We only shine and show that we were brave ....


We all live to get a chance.  Remember given a chance give it your best shot.  As this may be your only chance.  Given a chance to live, to enjoy do that .........

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Saarey ghar ke dho dalunga

After a long battle got a new washing machine...
Yes and it works absoultely fine

So ab Saare Ghar Ke Dho Dalunga :)

Just to remember ( Here )

Networking - Redefined and Skilled Golfer

This is a thought shared by Kewal Handa (the MD of Pfizer) when he spoke in the convocation ceremony of NMIMS.... (My brother also got his degree there and I also attended the ceremony with my proud parents -- I felt so proud that day witnessing the event .........)

The best part of the speech was that he actually used anecdotes and in some way touched the hearts of the proud parents amidst giving some thoughts to ponder about to the youngsters (though not confined to them).  These youngsters were all full of confidence and commitment coupled with the enthusiasm and vigor to take on the world and create a niche for themselves......

Just to keep in memory, I share some thoughts that I liked and remember......

Networking --- Always try and give something when networking.  Never have lunch alone... (This resonated what tompeters also says) 

Para cognitia - Adam Toffler - This is the state of uncertainty that exists in the world and a successful individual needs to manage this state and thus conquer the Para cognitia

 SKILLED GOLFER - carving your way around the 18 hole GOLF COURSE and planning for each move.  Life is like a golf coarse hence like a skilled golfer carve your each move around all the 18 holes and in all the terrains and reach your final goal... Enjoy the beauty of the awesome terrain also