Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Changes - Reforms 1991 / 2008

I don't know how many of us remember 1991 and for what reasons...

I remember 1991 as that was the year with the toughest IIT JEE paper.  The questions of which we used to try and solve in years to come....

1991 sent a ray of change for India.  When the then finance minister Manmohan Singh stood his ground and announced economic liberalization.  The government was anyways hanging in thin air then also :)

This event later marked the growth of Indian economy.  The growth that led to the today's image of India in the world.  Yes India is known for more than its CULTURE, its elephants or its poverty.  These are the only things that come to our mind when we speak of what we are proud about India. 


Thanks to Manmohan Singh we can stand up today and say we are proud of the economic growth that we have done and are doing.....


Today again THE MAN stands on the same platform and is trying to do his job.  Trying to change the face of India once again.  This Nuclear treaty's effects will be seen in years to come....

There may be issues but then there will be more positives and who doesnot want prosperity and growth.  Who does not want the increase in standard of living of entire nation


and yes Kick some ass too this time

              GO MAN GO


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