Thursday, June 05, 2008

Is fuel price hike justified? What more to be done?

Let me draw a parallel into this....


Suppose in our family, our expenditure on something increases... May be you have to give more in your EMI as you have bought a house or a new member has come into your family.... How do you handle this????

-  Reduce your savings and defer your expenses

-  Reduce your other expenditures

-  Reduce your consumption

-  Strive to increase your income

Now lets see in the larger perspective.... in the perspective of oil prices

The oil prices have gone up.  Now what you can do

-  Reduce your savings and defer your expenses -- Oil bonds in place

-  Reduce other expenditures --  Doesn't seem to be realistic but can be thought of

-  Reduce your consumption -- Has the government thought on these lines and appealed to the nation to reduce consumption... Can't the government issue an appeal and national emergency situation in which people join in and reduce consumption so as to make the demand less and reduce prices.... Lets at least try it... I know its a BIG OD initiative at the country level.. But with WILL and GRIT it is definitely possible.

-  Strive to increase your income -- Lets produce more and let the corporates and the government try to increase the exports .... Each drop counts... Lets do a Japan in India......

I am ready to give my bit... Are your ready?????

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