Tuesday, July 08, 2008

What do I strive to achieve in a discussion

Wanted to write this for a real long time... 

I feel that in any conversation, in any discussion, in any Business initiative or in any problem solving I try to get a grip on the highest order thought.  

With this I mean the thought (the intention - the purpose) behind this initiative - this case.  When understood the higher order thought or need then the other things are governed by the same thought and thus fall and follow the natural path

This is the thought that I like to first find and then propagate.  Once this thought is propagated to the team members then the task is simple.  It is only with this thought that you can govern the other things to come.

Hence I always try to ask what is the larger purpose... Get a purpose and spell it out...


Yes it seems as if I am reiterating the thought GET a VISION --> Spell it out and then move forward.



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