Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dyodhee or the Facade

I read a story in Hindi long time back when I was in school, that was by a very famous Indian writer titled DYODHEE (or the facade). The writer talks about the facade that is hanging on the door of the protagonist which keeps his image alive in the external world. Although he is in dire straits but no one outside knows the reality and the SHAAN remains. After some time the facade is not able to hold and it falls showing the reality.

Similar is our scenario... We all wear some masks and that acts as a facade for our real self. It becomes difficult and difficult to hold that facade. We are always under the pressure of What Will people Think.... But we are what we are (I am what I am -- RBK).... Let me respect myself. ( Doosron kee jay se pehle khud ko jay karein).... We will sooner or later find that what we were searching for is within us. (And I found him).....

Lets earn that
.... Lets earn that for ourself and by ourself and in ourself....

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