Sunday, October 07, 2007

Entrepreneur breeds Entrepreneur

ET Entrepreneur of the year: Grandhi Mallikarjun Rao, chairman, GMR Group. Lets congratulate him.

I like the way he conducts business and would like to follow him. And now that the world has recognized the same, by crowning him the Entrepreneur of the year, my belief in him as someone who has set a winning trend is further strengthened. But my question is: Does the buck stop here? For him to move on from this established position to another, he needs to start a new trend....that of breeding new entrepreneurs. The intent should be to make "Entrepreneurship" as coveted and as "Hot" as the dot com was in 2000 so as it attracts the right kind of people with attitude and panache.

I am not trying to give him advice when I said the above `coz I am no proven strategist neither a career guru nor a coveted Mckinsey consultant. But being a follower of trends and being ALIVE, I believe it is difficult but more important to "Breed more of your own types".

Wish him all the best


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